Thursday, March 3, 2016

Celebrating ... Reading! With Math?!

We love Dr. Seuss for the fun he had with words -- and the fun we have reading his books! So we are always happy to celebrate his birthday with "Read Across America Day." At Seabury, this involves comfy pajamas, lots of reading, various silly and Seussical activities, and, of course, our annual Dr. Seuss trivia contest.

This year, the Bumblebees took 1st place, with a three-way tie between the Pioneers, Innovators and Navigators for second place. We know our Dr. Seuss around here, that's for sure!

The Pioneers and Navigators also did some Seuss-inspired math, first solving some story problems featuring Dr. Seuss characters and language, and then writing their own for the rest of the group to solve. Here were a few:

There were 12 Yertle Turtles stacked up. 8 fell off and 10 joined the stack. 4 more stacked on, and 3 fell off. How many Yertle Turtles are stacked up now?

If the Onceler drove away 45 Bar-ba-loots, 34 Humming fish and 57 Swomee swans, how many animals did he drive away?

A Geisel needed 15 groups of pixels so he multiplies by 5. How many pixels does the Geisel have?

Goopy Gopp has 7 pops. Gogas has 12 pops. How much more does Gogas have than Goopy Gopp?

1or 5, 6 or 10, age doesn't matter. Old or young or bold or stunned. Looking' like nothing but - this isn't right - I feel a fright. 1 or 5, 6 or 10,  or older than Big Ben? What is 5+6+10+1x2?

How many times am I to try to make the man eat green eggs and ham? Less than 10, but more than 4.

The Cat in the Hat has 89 fish bowls. He gives away 51. Then Thing 1 gives him 33 bowls. How many bowls does he have?

Dr. Seuss, we love you. We also love reading, writing, and MATH, too!

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